Workers Compensation Insurance in California

Workers Compensation Insurance , short Work Comp, protects an employer and an employee. California law requires you, as an employer, to carry Workers Comp Insurance even when your business have at least one employee. It is one of the most important coverages that an employer must have. Workers Compensation is one of the oldest social programs. It is older than Social Security and California started using it in the 1910. This program is based on no-fault system. It means that in order to receive Workers Compensation benefits, an employee does not need to present at fault individual. Since this insurance covers both sides-Employer and Employee need to know about the coverage and protection.
Employer Protection
Workers Compensation Insurance protects you, as an employer, from unexpected civil litigations that might arise. Anything can happen at the work place, such as slip and fall of an employee, illness related to the jobs performed and many others. For an employer Workers Compensation is a peace of mind during difficult times. It will help to overcome expensive lawsuits, provide medical financial stability to injured employees and at the same time it will protect the business and business owner financially.
Employee Protection
Workers Compensation Insurance will protect your employees in case there is an injury or illness from work related activities. Employees will get medical care, lost wages benefits and other benefits. Any employee, under California law, must receive a protection from Workers Comp Insurance. Along with mentioned benefits, there are also First Aid treatment, Temporary and Permanent Disability benefits. Supplemental job displacement and return to work benefits are part of this program too. Death benefits are also available under Workers Compensation insurance program. It covers fatally work related injured employee’s burial expenses and support qualified surviving dependents.
Pay As You Go Program
We offer pay as you go Workers Compensation insurance program which helps employers save money on monthly payments and avoid future audit surprises. This program uses the actual payroll instead of payroll prediction. Actual payroll helps determine exact monthly premiums payments.
If you are interested in receiving a quote for your Workers Compensation Insurance please fill out our online questionnaire here and our Work Comp specialist will reach you the next working day.